July 12, 2010

Wife & Mother out to save the world!

Since high school, I've committed myself as an environmentally-conscious person. I always knew that I wanted a career in the environmental field, although I've changed exactly what I want to do, it's always remained within this category. I've wanted to be a meteorologist, marine biologist, environmental educator, green event planner, and currently I'm focused on environmental policy.

I want a career. I don't think I could ever be a full-time stay-at-home mom. Don't get me wrong, I highly respect all moms who can do it, but I think I would get seriously bored & end up resenting my kids for it, especially because the industry that I'm in has serious world-impact potential.
(Recent trip to DC...)

(...for the Earth Day Climate Rally)

Last week when I was at the shore with B, we were talking about the notion of being a stay-at-home mom. My mom is a teacher and worked for the first few years of her marriage until she had her second baby (me!). She went back to work a few years ago, after I was already in college. Theoretically, this sounds like the life. Stay at home, play with the kids all day, take care of the home, cook food. Sure, I can do that, no problem, but knowing myself, I would certainly get bored. So, B & I came up with the solution that I could be a part-time stay-at-home mom. I could never leave my kids to be raised by someone else full-time. I want to be there for all of the big events in their lives---I mean really, who wouldn't? So I'm thinking we can find someone, maybe a family member, to watch the kids while I go save the world...for a few hours a week.


  1. Sounds like a good plan to me! It's just nice being able to decide one way or the other - I'm a fan of choices. :)

  2. I totally thought the same thing, and sometimes still do. Granted, the Little Man takes up way more time than I would have thought possible - but in between one-way conversations with myself and helping him figure out how to roll over, I do occasionally get bored. Which is why I blog. Since I live in the Middle of Nowhere, and there are no jobs part time or otherwise out here.

  3. It's great that you are giving motherhood so much thought! Most of the time, I work about 8 hours a week in my profession. This summer, I'm working close to 20 hours a week. I do like being able to maintain my professional career while raising my two sons. I NEVER get bored when I'm home with them! We are ALWAYS doing something with other friends who stay home, going to the zoo, going to museums, etc. I don't know many "stay at home" moms who truly stay at home all the time. On another note, thanks so much for stopping by my silly blog and letting me know you thought my post was "hilarious"! It means a lot! I'm not quite normal, I don't think, so it's nice to know people appreciate my insanity. :)

  4. Since I'm in the world of computers, I'm hoping the part-time stay-at-home mom thing will be easier for me. I would most likely take a cut in pay, but I would stay in the workforce AND be able to spend time with my kid/kids.

    I think your plan is very realistic for the times, besides, it's hard to get back into the workplace with a big gaping hole in your resume. (Just ask my mother who was a stay-at-home mom...)
