June 21, 2010

The exclusive club

It would seem obvious to say that ever since we got engaged, I've been feeling kind of special....almost as if I've been accepted into an exclusive club. Most clubs have some sort of entry requirements--this one requires a shiny ring! Being engaged gives you an automatic connection to anyone who's engaged or married. For instance, I started a new job last month and immediately connected with one of the managers during the first interview because we are both engaged. Now, every time we work the same shift, we always find some wedding topic to chat about--instant connection.

Of course, before we got engaged, I could always connect with girls when complaining about boys, but what girl can't complain about that? Being engaged opens up a whole new world of connections. Meeting a fellow engaged girl allows endless conversation starters: when's the wedding? how long have you been engaged? how did he propose? how long have you been dating? and of course, let me see the ring!

I'm thoroughly enjoying being a member of this exclusive club & will certainly milk it for the next year & a half. I was even able to reconnect with an old friend from elementary school when I ran into her last week mostly because we're both engaged now--another instant connection! Making new friends & reconnecting with old friends makes me happy :)


  1. Being engaged is like a club! I connect so well now with my other engaged or married friends. It sometimes puts a rift between you and your single friends though. One of my BFF's who is also my MOH is single and sometimes it feels awkward between us when it comes to wedding stuff.... Just be aware that this stuff can happen and don't let anyone make you not excited for your engagement!

  2. I've noticed that recently. All of the wedding planning is on my mind constantly and I can really only talk about it w/my fiancee or my engaged/married friends (of which I have very few). I try not to overwhelm my close, single friends with all of my wedding talk since I don't want to make things awkward :-/

  3. It totally happens.. I was going to tell you how to put on the Goodreads Widget but I see you figured it out! And the Lost Symbol was such a good book! As for vampire books you might like Jane Slayre by Sherri Browning Erwin, Dracula UnDead by Dacre Stoker and Ian Holt (I loved this book because Bram Stokers relative wrote this), and of course all the Anne Rice novels are brilliant. I have all of them.

  4. Yea the married vs. single club gets complicated, but hopefully even your single friends could try to understand that this is the most exciting time for you and embrace it all with you. As long as there's a balance in the conversations then it's a lot easier to make things work!
    P.S. I just gave you an award on my blog. Yea I know that sounds weird, but its a lot of fun. Congrats!

  5. I've joined this club too! It is crazy! Although I ran more into the problem of all my friends were engaged or married, I was the only single girl around, or so it seemed! But most of my married friends, they just took me under their wing! It's sad when you sit at lunch with all co-workers, there's 12 people at the table and you are the only single one. Now the club I don't fit into is the kid club, even though when I get married, I'll have a step-daughter, I didn't go through the baby stage with her so I still make a "fool" of myself with questions :) btw congrats on being engaged!

  6. JessRaquel-- Sometimes I surprise myself with how tech savvy I really am. I figured it out about 5 minutes after I commented on your post, lol

    JoJo-- My friends have been totally cool & I can tell when they get tired of wedding-talk, lol. P.S. Thanks for the award!!!

    Nicole-- Thanks! I'm not sure which is worse, being the last single girl, or being the first married girl. Both seem equally difficult :-/
